The Dashboard provides access to the Configuration Utility tool, your collections, and the information about your usage of the services. You can also access your user settings and billing information.

How to Start?

Configuration Utility

Configure Your Own Layers and Configuration Instances

Use our Configuration Utility to create your own layers and layer configurations. Examine them in the EO Browser or Sentinel Playground.

Every registered user can add as many uniquely-named configuration instances as he/she chooses. A configuration instance acts as a separate WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS service and each can be configured to provide a certain set of layers with different settings. It is therefore possible to create multiple configuration instances each with a different set of layers fulfilling various needs. Configuration instances may contain an arbitrary number of layers, which are configurable using the settings defined above, such as MAXCC, TIME, the max area limitation, etc. Visualization using a predefined data product or a custom script is configured for each layer. The configuration instance itself also has some global settings for default values on all layers, like image quality.

Configuration Utility

For an easy start, follow the Configuration Utility User Guide below!

1. Configurations

The following process will guide you through the configuration of the WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS instances within the Configuration Utility in the Sentinel Hub Dashboard. Every registered user can add as many unique-named configurations (instances) as he or she chooses, as shown below. A configuration instance acts as a separate WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS service and each can be configured to provide a certain set of layers with different settings. It is therefore possible to create multiple configuration instances each with a different set of layers fulfilling various needs. Configuration instances may contain an arbitrary number of layers.

Create New Configuration

  1. Click on “New configuration” button
  2. Name your new configuration
  3. Choose among preset configurations
  4. Confirm creation by clicking “Create configuration” button

Configuration Settings

  • Renaming Configuration
    If you want to rename your configuration, simply click on the "Configuration instance" name and edit it. Don’t forget to click the “Save” button afterwards.
  • Settings
    • Show Warnings
      While using the preview option in each layer you might get white window in the preview. It means that the area you are observing is too large, so you need to zoom in. You can enable the warnings which notify you in case this happens.
    • Show Logo
      If you want your downloaded images without Sentinel Hub logo, you can disable this option.
    • Image quality
      By moving the slider left and right or type in the number you are able to set the quality of the image from 0 to 100 percent.
    • Map Bounds
      Click on “Add map bounds” option will enable you to draw a polygon. After the polygon is drawn, you can reposition parts of the polygon by clicking the icon in the menu on the left. After you are satisfied with your selection, click “Confirm” button. Map bound can be afterwards cleared as well. Don’t forget to save the whole configuration after changing each setting.
    • Disable OGC Requests
      To disable OGC requests, enable this option.
  • Advanced Settings
    To manually edit the configuration within its code you can use the Advanced settings link which will open the Advanced Instance Editor. Once it is opened, click on the question mark in the right top corner and inspect the details about changeable options.
  • Service End-points
    From the drop-down menu you can choose between configuration ID, and URL addresses for WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS. By clicking on button you can copy and paste desired URL into your favourite GIS application.
  • Open in Playground
    For your convenience you can inspect changed and saved configuration directly in Sentinel Playground web application by clicking on .
  • Copy to Another User
    Use this option to share your configuration with other Sentinel Hub users. After clicking on the button (1), you will need to enter other user's Account ID (2). Click on the "Copy" button to confirm copying (3). Afterwards, you will receive a confirmation message that the configuration was sucessfully copied (4).

    Account ID can be found under the "User settings" tab (1). Your copied configuration will be visible to another user among his other configurations and it will be marked as "[NEW]" (2).

2. Layers

Within the Layer you are able to configure different settings such as data collection, data processing, time range, cloud coverage and mosaic order.

If you would like to rename the layer, click on the icon on the right side of the layer’s name. By clicking the  icon you can duplicate the whole layer and continue changing the settings.

  • Data collection
    From a dropdown menu you can select available data collection for the edited layer.
  • Data Processing
    Each layer is associated with one EO composite. By clicking on the icon (1) aside the “Data processing” option, you can edit the chosen EO product, select from a list (2) of predefined EO products provided by Sentinel Hub and/or change the custom script of the selected EO product.
    To edit the script click "Copy Script to Editor" button (3) and edit it within the Custom Script Editor on the right (4). Confirm your changes by clicking the "Set Custom Script" button (5).

    You can observe live changes in Layer's Preview before even saving the Layer. This feature can be useful for tweaking custom scripts parameters. Read more about it here.
    The EO product can be one of:
    •    copy of an EO product, available from our custom scripts repository
    •    EO product that you define using JavaScript, as shown in the figure above.

    The last possibility allows you to publish your commercial or IPR protected composites in a hidden way, while still facilitating the API and OGC standard services available through Sentinel Hub.

  • Time Range
    To define the time range of the satellite imagery delivered through your configuration, configure the time range. You can choose between “absolute” or “relative” option. Note that the “from” option should be older than the “to” option.

  • Cloud Coverage
    By moving the slider left and right or type in the number you are able to set the cloud coverage of the image from 0 to 100 percent. The percentage is calculated for the whole tile and not just your area of interest. Due to different amount of clouds on each tile it might happen that the mosaic is stitched with the tiles from different dates of acquisition.

  • Mosaic Order
    Mosaic order defines which image will be shown. You can choose between most recent, least recent or least cloud covered image.

  • Atmospheric Correction
    To enable atmospheric correction, choose the S2L2A data collection, as it is atmospherically corrected. Visit our documentation to learn more about Sentinel-2 processing options.

After configuring any of the Layer’s settings click on to confirm the changes.

  • Preview
    For easier workflow you are able to inspect immediate changes in the Configuration Utility by using the "Preview" option. We recommend opening a duplicate of the Layer you would like to change, set desired configuration or changes in the script and compare both previews. For more information see description on how to observe live changes of custom script directly in the Configurator.
  • Advanced Layer Editor
    Click on the "Advanced" link at the end of the layer's settings which will open the possibility to edit layer’s settings directly in JSON. You can find more details and JSON examples under icon in the corner right up. Here are some examples:

    •    Upsampling/Downsampling:
    Within JSON you are able to define the method used for interpolation of the data on non-natural scales, simply by using upsampling and downsampling. E.g. resolution of Sentinel-2 data (R,G,B and NIR bands) is 10 meters but in some occasions you would want to look at the data with higher scale (e.g. at 1 m pixel resolution) or lower scale (e.g. 1000 m pixel resolution). See example and read more here!

    •    Layer Order:
    The order of layers within the configuration can be controlled by setting a value for the attribute "orderHint" in Advanced Layer Editor dialog. The layers will be sorted by their "orderHint" numbers in ascending order. E.g., "orderHint": 10

    •    Changing the Preview Mode:
    If you are getting a message "The bounding box area is too large! Please zoom in.", use the Advanced layer editor for changing the preview mode. Open the layer you want to change, click the icon for further assistance, if needed, and change the "previewMode" to "EXTENDED_PREVIEW" as seen below (1). Don't forget to save the settings by clicking on the "Save" button (2).

Overriding Parameters
Note, that the parameters defined in the configuration, with exception of data collection and Map bounds, can be overridden by parameters in the call.

My Collections

To integrate your own data stored on your S3 bucket into the Sentinel Hub, follow these steps. In the Sentinel Hub Dashboard go to the "My Collections" tab in the menu left:

  1. Create new collection by clicking the link provided.
  2. Name your new collection.
  3. Form a dropdown menu choose the location of your Bucket.
  4. Insert the name of your S3 Bucket.
  5. Confirm it by clicking the “Save collection” button.

Add New Tile

  1. Click on the “Tile” tab.
  2. Add new tile to the collection tiles with the “+ Add tile” button.
  3. Enter the path name. If you leave it empty the files in the root of the bucket will be selected.
  4. Don’t forget to save it afterwards with the “Save tile” button.
  5. A current state of an ingestion of the tile will be indicated under the Status column.
  6. After the tile is ingested, it will be properly indicated.

Continue with further configuration!

After creating your new collection and adding collection tiles, copy the collection’s ID under the "Details" tab, go to the Configuration Utility to create new configuration and its layer with your S3 bucket collection as data collection:

  • Create new configuration, name it and confirm it by clicking the "Create configuration" button.
  • Create new layer within the configuration, press "+ Add new layer" button, and name the new layer. The ID of new layer will be created simultaneously.
  • For the source of your new layer choose “Bring Your Own COG” from a dropdown menu on the right side.
  • Enter your Collection ID.
  • Define your processing script under the “Data processing” option by clicking the icon.
  • Insert your own custom script into the “Custom script editor” on the right side and confirm it with pressing the "Set custom script" button.

Your configuration is ready! Copy the appropriate service end-point (WMS, WMTS, etc.) and use it in your favorite GIS application to seemlesly integrate your data from the S3 bucket.

For more details, see our Bring Your Own Data page, check our FAQ on How to visualize your own collection in EO Browser, and watch the Commercial Data webinar.

User Settings

To see your information choose the "User settings" in the menu on the left. Here you can update your data (1) and subscribe for Sentinel Hub newsletter (2) with latest news and information about Sentinel Hub. You can also change your password (3) or delete your profile (4).

On the right side of the screen you can see which Sentinel Hub package is activated and its validity (5). Below is the list of your configured OAuth clients for authentication. Click on the "Create new" button to configure a new one (6).

Useful Information

More details about custom URL parameters, output image formats, atmospheric correction, preview modes, custom evaluation script, and which operations can be used with WMS, WMTS, WFS or WCS services is available here.


Sentinel data is free. However, we still have to cover the infrastructure for processing this and distributing them to you. Check the pricing page and apply here for a trial account.

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